Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida, Bali


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Things to Know about Nusa Penida: Best Things to Do, How to Get It, and Tips to Follow

For many people, Bali must be familiar enough. Yes, God’s island is very famous for its beautiful landscapes and stunning attractions. You can just mention some popular places there starting from Kuta Beach to Tanah Lot. But not too far from the island, there is a small island that is also recommended to visit. Well, if you are in Bali, make sure to visit Nusa Penida which is located in the southeast area of it.

As a small island, Nusa Penida is surrounded by the sea and it is not too far if you want to explore one beach to another. Moreover, the beaches of the island are also recommended for water activities like snorkeling and diving.

Okay, you cannot dive or something? Don’t worry, there are still so many fun activities you can do once you are on the island? So, what are they? Here are things you can do in Nusa Penida.


Manta Point: Maybe, the most popular spot for diving and snorkeling in Nusa Penida is Manta Point. It is a habitat of Manta, a kind of big stingray. So, if you are lucky, you can watch a school of stingrays swimming in the depths of the sea. Sure, aside from Manta, there are more things to see. Well, the colorful corals and fishes are magnificent.

Crystal Point: Crystal Point is a diving spot located off Crystal Bay Beach. Almost similar to the Manta Point, it offers you stunning underwater scenery. You don’t need to dive too deeply to see the beautiful ecosystem there. Only by snorkeling, all the corals, fishes, and other sea creatures are seen. Just like the name, the water in this area is indeed crystal clear.

Gamat Bay: Compared to 2 other points mentioned before, Gamat Bay may not be less popular. But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that this Bay is less beautiful. It is even a habitat of a typical animal, turtles. If you are lucky, you can see them swimming from the surface. More than that, this place is also a habitat of many colorful corals, even the rarest ones. Before snorkeling or diving, make sure to follow the instructions given since the water here tends to be colder than in other places in Nusa Penida.

Wall Point: Lastly, there is Wall Point which is famous as a habitat of vibrant fishes and corals. If you plan to snorkel or dive here, make sure to prepare the underwater camera since the scenery here is worth perpetuating. It is reasonable if many tourists, whether local or international, always spare their time to come here to enjoy the stunning habitat under the sea.

Exploring Beach

Diamond Beach: Diamond Beach is located in the eastern area of the island. The beach is called diamond seemingly for the crystal clear water just like a diamond. More than that, the outlay of the white sand like a carpet just adds to the beauty of these attractions. Some cliffs around become ideal places if you just want to jump. On a part of the beach, there is a big rock that is from the distance, it is shaped like a diamond. So, there are indeed many reasons to call the beach diamond.

Kelingking Beach: Literally, kelingking is the Indonesian of the little finger. It is reasonable if the beach is called that way since there is a rock on it that indeed looks like a little finger. Kelingking Beach itself may not be as popular as other beaches in Nusa Penida. But of course, if you have a chance to visit it, you must do that. The scenery in it is really magnificent making it very good for photography activities.

Atuh Beach: The coastline of Atuh Beach is quite long. It is along the eastern area of the island. The beach is also gated by 2 high cliffs on its sides. If you want to go down from the cliff to the beach, you need to step on stairs and it takes around 10 minutes.

Broken Beach: You can say that Broken Beach is the most popular beach on the island. Even the beach becomes the icon of Nusa Penida as it is seen in almost all articles and postcards describing the island. Broken Beach is a bay with some cliffs around. The combination of white rocks and blue ocean is just scenic and incredible. You can just explore it once you come to the beach.

Watching Sunset on the Hill

Sunset is always stunning in Nusa Penida. And you can watch it anywhere. Remember that the island has some wonderful beaches with great landscapes as well. But if you want to watch the sunset differently, you can try it on Teletubbies Hill. Yes, Nusa Penida has an outlay of meadow with short hills just like you can see in the kid’s program Teletubbies. You can take the hill as the viewpoint to watch the sunset. With the wavy ocean as the background, it will be the best sunset to see in your lifetime.

Enjoying the Splash of Waterfall

Not only Bali has some beautiful waterfalls but it also has Nusa Penida. There is Peguyangan Waterfall located in the middle of the island. Don’t worry, as the island is quite small, you can go for it from any direction without spending too much time. Peguyangan Waterfall is indeed a perfect description of the tropical sanctuary. It is surrounded by green bushes and high cliffs. You can find a sacred temple not too far from the location. Experience the sense of magnificence once you are there.

Swimming in a Natural Pool

Tembeling Beach is quite different from other pools you can find in Nusa Penida. The highlight is not the coastal area along with its waves and the white sand but a unique pool not too far from the beach area. How to reach it is quite challenging since you must pass through woodland. But don’t worry, there is a path to get to the beach by riding a motorcycle. The natural pool itself looks very scenic with its turquoise water. Just throw yourself there and enjoy the refreshing water.

Capturing Moments in Tree House

Nusa Penida has a viral photo spot called Rumah Pohon or it literally means the tree. Yes, the wooden house is indeed built on a tree just like your childhood imagination. If you capture it from the right angle, its silhouette fits well with the landscape around. Well, there are all the elements you need to make the tree house look more incredible starting from the blue sky, clear water, green trees, and unique giant rocks all around. You can enter the area to view the scenery around. The cost is only IDR 10,000.

How to Get Nusa Penida

Let’s assume you have been to Bali and you just want to enjoy an island next to it, Nusa Penida. To get to the island is very easy by using a speed boat. The boat departs from Sanur Port and Kusamba Ports. The boats themselves are provided by Gili Voyages which offers daily trips to Nusa Penida. Additionally, there is no airport on the island so raising a boat is the only way to choose.

The trip to Nusa Penida takes around 30 to 45 minutes and the original to rent the boat starts at IDR 145,000. The trip with the boat ends when you have reached the Toya Pakeh or Sampalan Port in Nusa Penida.

The boat that crosses the strait between Bali and Nusa Penida may depart every 15 minutes. So, you can choose when to go anytime. But to make it clear, make sure to check the recent schedule available in the port. Meanwhile, if you are joining a tour agent, the boat and schedule must have been set by it. You only need to follow the guide.

Particularly if you have no experience in exploring Nusa Penida, it is recommended to book a one-day tour from Bali. The tour agent will help you go to the best places in Nusa Penida all day long. Besides, there is a professional tour guide who is ready to accompany you in exploring the beautiful island. Furthermore, the tour commonly has included details such as transportation devices and entrance tickets.

Tips to Visit and Explore Nusa Penida

So, the first thing to prepare is, of course, your health. Remember that you will spend a whole day on the island exploring all the attractions there starting from the beach to the waterfall. Make sure that you are really healthy so that you will not miss every single place there.

Second, you must need cash. The tour agency must have prepared all the things before the trip starting from the transportation to lunch. But it is still very important to check which facility is not covered by the primary cost. Maybe, you need to spend more on entrance tickets. Besides, there must be a lot of sellers in the attraction who sell foods or souvenirs. The cash is very important in case you want to buy things there.

Third, swimsuits and other related things. If you love swimming or simply splashing on the beach, don’t forget to bring your swimsuits. Not only one but you may need more for every beach you visit in Nusa Penida. Just count how many water related tourism spots you will visit and  those will be the number of swimsuits you need to bring. Prepare other things such as sunscreen and others since you will be under the sunlight all day long. Meanwhile, for snorkeling, the tools are available in rental stores around. You can just rent them.

Aside from those things mentioned above, there must be other things to prepare for Nusa Penida. You can check the weather for today. If it is raining, a raincoat and umbrella will save your day. Do you have a health problem that can come at any time? Well, it means preparing drugs and others to relieve the symptoms is also needed.

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